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Core Concepts

Ideas that shape our experience

Image by Fabio Comparelli

Earth is Crammed with Heaven

Depsite living in a fallen world, Entermission sees the wonder God's redemptive work around us. We believe God has called us to more than misery, and desire for our students to become attuned to the way God reveals himself in the beauty he's created around us; in the people we live with, the places we go, the work, play, and rest we engage in - Our challenge for you is to pay attention to what God is up to in everyday life. 

The Art of Spiritual Conversation

We hear that sharing our faith is one of the more uncomfortable practices Christians are called to. Why is that? At Entermission, we believe discipleship is a way of life. Jesus is not a conversation topic, but a person we commune with. It's only natural that people walking in the way of Jesus would talk about him as a part of their lives. We teach our students the Nine Arts of Spiritual Conversation, that they may become spirit led conduits to God in every interaction. 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Vanilla Bear Films

God still writes with pagan pens

In Acts 17, Paul uses two pagan poets to connect the Gospel with his audience. Today, media is as formative an arena of formation as it has ever been. Our hope is to teach our students how to engage movies, books, music, art, and all areas of our culture. Like Paul, we want to examine the pagan pens of our day to find the places God's truth spills through, whether the author intended it or not.

A Fifth Gospel and
a third Testemant

Your Story Matters. The hurts, hangups, triumphs, victories, mountaintop and valley moments - all of these things have made you who you are. More than that, each of our stories are a way God is seeking to continue telling the story of Jesus. That makes something of a fifth gospel, and a third testament. Entermission believes in helping you re-experience your story, to go back in order to go forward. We want you to find how God shaped you through experiences, that you mind find how He's shaping you now.

Image by Jilbert Ebrahimi
Image by Joshua Harvey

Who yOu're Becoming

We've heard it said that God is not so much interested in what you're doing, but who you're becoming. Our hope for students is not only that they learn spiritual information, but that they will also create space in their lives for God to engage in spiritual formation. We find that learning to slow down in our fast culture, to listen in our loud world, and to reflect in the midst of our active lives, are places Jesus consistently meets us, makes us new, and leads us into abundant life. Entermission is teaches students not only to live life for God, but to also live life with God.

placed, purposed, peopled

Entermission roots every student in their identity as children of God, their nature as images bearers, and their position as a kingdom of priests. Our students learn to value their purpose as priests to the people God has placed in their lives. Our goal is not to create career ministers, but to foster the vocation of ministry in every area and relationship of our students' lives. 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Forest Aerial View

A person's steps are made secure by the Lord when they delight in his way. 

Though they trip up, they won't be thrown down, because the Lord holds their hand. 

PSALM 37:23-24

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